Ursula Faye - Nervous System Whisperer.
Especially if your experiences motivate you to try and make the world better. And you have done a tonne of work to manage your own wounds, so that you don’t project your pain onto others.
I imagine your nervous system could use some help!
Residue from difficult life experiences gets stored in our physical bodies and nervous system, as well as in our energy field. This alone, causes some operational difficulties (think about how a computer chock full of junk files and viruses struggles to function efficiently, times a million).
Humans need a good “de-frag” from time to time too.
My work gets things moving. So if you are not in a place where you can safely navigate old memories and emotions coming up as things shift, this is not for you. Yet.
• Quantum • Somatic • Energy • Healing
I’ve just had my first 30min distant healing with Ursula as I’m struggling with old trauma related to sexual abuse. Ursula took the heaviness away, and healed on all levels. I felt a deep relaxation settling in where the tension and pain was, making me feel like myself again for the first time in days… I am so grateful for what you do Ursula and so relieved to know you’re there if it gets to that point again. Thank you for doing what you do!
After my initial distance session with Ursula, I needed a few days to get some perspective on the results. I felt unusual… calm is the word I keep coming back to. After 13 years of emotional abuse and nine months of heartbreaking grief for a child maliciously estranged by her mother, I have been used to constant anxiety and repeated bouts of depression, but after one hour with Ursula I literally felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders.
I don’t know how or why what she does works – I don’t think she does completely, either – and that can be confronting for a born cynic like me. But I was open to healing in any shape it came in, and I have no hesitation recommending Ursula to anyone in need of help. I felt more positive effects from a one-hour session with Ursula than a dozen sessions with a psychiatrist.
I can’t thank you enough, Ursula. The pain is still there, but I am processing it better, clinging to it far less tightly, and as mentioned, feel calmer and more able to live in the moment without so much anxiety. I will definitely be back for a ‘top-up’ session soon.
Chris 2
I just had an amazing distance healing session with Ursula. It was like there was no distance at all between us and her ability to connect energetically with my body was powerful. Ursula worked with my body and psyche on many levels and got right in to the core of me here and now and past and future and other times and space. I released a huge amount of energy while she held space for me and felt old hurts and trauma leave my body that had been sitting there for a while causing physical stress and disease. I highly recommend a distance session to those who want a deep energetic and emotional healing. I have no doubt over the coming days and weeks I will see and feel huge shifts in my life due to her powerful work.
I felt Ursula working for my healing long before I got to meet her. And then, wow, just wow!! Her healing was insanely amazing. I feel a lightness of spirit I’ve never had before, because my trauma started very young, and it’s just continued until very recently (and I’m 45 years old). I would highly recommend Ursula to anyone with even a whiff of trauma, because my trauma just feels cleansed away now. My physical body feels soooo much better too. I finally have movement in my lower back now, that I have not had in years. I thought that it might be traumatic, but it was not the case. It was gentle and nurturing. GO SEE HER!! Thanks so very much Ursula.
Ursula Has given me the space to explore distance work with her, even though she is in Melbourne and I am in Stockholm, the space created for healing is as if we are in the same physical place.
During my last session I could feel the fascial tissue on the inside of my sacrum releasing, and letting go, and my lower back pain which I have had for years is gone!
This work is essential for a complete recovery and release from physical imbalance. I thoroughly recommend it! Thank you.
Today I had the pleasure of experiencing the most amazing healing session, I had not experienced anything so profound, I was totally unaware of what to expect, so I trusted, and opened myself up and allowed the magic to begin.
I felt the energy in my feet start to move, then felt it moving through my legs, it was like a wave was happening inside me, then it started again at my feet, I felt it rising through me and releasing through my crown chakra, again it started at my feet, and through me until it exited through my crown. Each time, I was feeling lighter and lighter, this was a 30-minute session, and by the end, I could not feel my shoulders, all my “excess” baggage was removed. I was cautioned about trying to make sudden movements, as my body would be still adjusting, I went for my usual walk, went to cut in front of people and nearly tripped over, my legs were still adjusting, my reaction time was limited slightly..
I can not recommend a healing session highly enough, this is the most profound session I have ever en-counted. Wow just WOW!. Thank you.
What a gifted lady to work with.
I have got to say my experience with Ursula was both incredibly nurturing and uplifting. Her care prior to the session, during and then again after made this experience feel like home. Her care, patience and the time she takes to really get to know me made me feel heard and seen. It was easy to be vulnerable and allow the process to wash over me like a blanket of cuddles. As Ursula diligently worked with my energies, I could feel my body respond. She later took the time to patiently break it down ensuring I did not walk away confused or unsettled. I would highly recommend Ursula to anyone looking to shift and heal their energies and their physical body.
Michelle 2
It’s been a few months since I had my in-person and then distance healing sessions with Ursula Faye. The change in me has lasted the distance. I have grown, changed, and evolved so quickly in that time. I’m actually dating now, and that was something that I could never do before. I’m more confident at work and I have no fear of speaking my truth. I STILL feel light and unburdened by my trauma (which was vast). My mind is better and my body is better. I cannot thank Ursula enough for the work that we did together in harmony. Ursula Faye I just really wanted to share that the work you do with a client isn’t just a flash in the pan, it lasts and it’s true. I couldn’t recommend you highly enough!